

Work with a creative team of storytellers to build a production from text to live performance. Immerse yourself in a collaboratively artistic community where you can explore and develop your theatrical skills through the instruction of knowledgeable, 经验丰富的教职员工. You can find your place in the theatre - on the stage and/or behind the scenes!

Bring stories to life on stage and experience the unforgettable exhilaration that comes with being part of a theatre production. Collaborate with other theatre lovers as you share your God-given talents and learn to hone your gifts in a supportive, 培养环境. The 威斯康辛州路德 College theatre department presents several productions every year in the Raabe Theatre on campus. 导演包括WLC戏剧系的教授和校友, as well as guest directors from the Milwaukee area's vibrant performing arts scene. 

学生参与戏剧制作的各个方面, 包括代理, 服装, 导演, 绘画, 照明, 阶段管理, 促进, 建筑, 设计, 研究, 和教学.


The location of WLC's campus provides 学生 with an opportunity to explore Milwaukee, 一个充满活力的地区戏剧和表演艺术中心, including shows featuring the biggest Broadway hits on tour or intimate theater troupes.

With more than 15 local theater companies and countless theatre, 跳舞, 芭蕾舞, 歌剧, 以及各种表演艺术中心的喜剧表演, you're sure to find something for every taste on one of Milwaukee's stages!



 Jay sierzyn对学生的谈话

在最近一期的 WLC杂志, Jonathan Lorenzen采访了Jay sierzyn, associate professor and director of theatre at 威斯康辛州路德 College. 教授. sierzyn在工作了21年后于2023年退休. Click the tab below to read the unabridged version of the story.

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